The Roses of May by Dot Hutchison - Book 2 of the Collector's series


Priya Sravasti lost her sister Chavi to a mad man who kills young girls and surrounds them with flowers. But that's not all. He now wants Priya to be his and follows her across continents reminding her of his presence by sending her the exact flowers surrounding the 16 girls he killed. The Quantico three - Victor Hanoverian, Brandon Eddison and Mercedes Ramirez, race to find him, but will they in time?

The book reads from the POV of Priya and is focused on Eddison, like the first book was focused on Hanoverian. Inara and Bliss, the butterflies, the Gardener and his son make appearances in this book too. Priya is fierce, but her mother Deshani is a furnace. These women are incredibly sharp and smart and Eddison is their family.

The story is familiar. It doesn't read well though. I found the language and the phrasing a bit tedious to get through. It was hard to keep reading because it got a bit boring but I wanted to know who the killer was so I kept reading. The author presents women as these incredible, fierce, sharp, intelligent entities and the men as mellow or malleable. There's nothing wrong with it but it becomes repetitive. For the most part I didn't understand what Priya was up to. Was she hiding something from her mum? Were they both hiding something from the FBI? You'll get answers pretty late in the book.

I did not like Deshani. I may be a outlier but I did not like her. She recovered quickly from her daughter's death because apparently 'the world just can't knock her down'. That's ok. Everyone deals with grief differently. What I hated was that she didn't extend compassion or sympathy to her own husband who struggled to deal with his daughter's death. He was left to suffer in his pain and his death was also not a big deal to her. She didn't care for him. Even when Priya explains her plan, she's sure she can bounce back. I mean. Anyway.

So the FBI can't solve this case for 8 years but Priya does. A bit strange no?

The first book was alright, this one not so much. Just want to finish the series. 2.5/5

#therosesofmay #dothutchison #crimethrillerbooks #bookrecommendations


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