Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible thing by Matthew Perry

Oh boy! This one made me tear up. Phew.

Friends has been a show I have watched since my teens, I still watch it and I don't think I'm going to stop watching it even when I'm old and wrinkled. It's a show that actually taught me about friendship, about relationships and about the family we choose. 

Matthew Perry's death hit me hard. I remember clearly, it was my husband who asked me if I read about Matthew Perry and my immediate reaction was repeatedly saying the word No. My husband looked at me and said I'm so sorry and I just broke down. If this doesn't show how deeply these 6 friends impacted me, I don't know what would.

Matthew's memoir is honest. He lays down all his thoughts, his emotions, fears and insecurities bare and once again we are shown that Showbiz is not all glitter and gold. His addiction, his alcoholism and substance abuse was severe and in reading his book, you will be able to pinpoint the exact reasons why he started using in the first place. We go through his career highs and lows, his relationships, his absolute respect and love for his 5 cast mates in Friends and his attempts to get better but always knowing he may not entirely. The incredible way he tried helping others suffering from addiction is praiseworthy.

I felt like reaching out and hugging Matthew and telling him he's enough. He's a wonderful, warm, loving and funny person and that's enough and the world loves him so, so much. That unaccompanied child need not be afraid because there's people wanting to care for him, to support him and love him as he is. Nobody will ever be able to say it to him again but I hope somebody did when he was with us.

Read it to remember his laugh, his help toward countless people wanting to get sober and for Chandler Bing.

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