The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan


Carter and Sadie Kane find their heritage and connection to the Egyptian Pharaohs and since that moment their lives change drastically. Carter and Sadie live separately. Sadie lives with her grandparents in London and Carter travels around the world with his Dad, Julius Kane, an Egypyologist. This story of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Ma'at and Chaos will take you on an otherworldly ride. Fasten your seatbelts

Rick Riordan books have been a guilty pleasure of mine for years now. If I need a break or want to feel better, I read his books. Like Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase, the Kane Chronicles revolves around the existence of the Egyptian mythology.

The Red Pyramid is where it all begins, when the Kanes learn their backstory and have to defend the world against the rising of Evil. Nothing is as it seems and nothing is easy and these siblings grapple with the loss of their parents, being pushed into a world they know nothing about and eventually learning their destiny. The concluding book is The Serpent's Shadow, where the world is to be plunged into Chaos and the siblings race against time to save the world and everyone they know and love.

Carter is the older, mature, responsible brother - always feeling burdened, always trying his best to save everyone even at the cost of his life.Sadie is the firecracker with her typical teenage rebellious behaviour, British wit and impulsive behaviour. It's wonderful to journey through their world with the sublings' POV throughout the series. Once again, Rick Riordan captures inclusivity, cultural acceptance and courage in these pages. I love his work for this reason alone. My favourite character is Zia Rashid!

It's a lot of information within these pages. It may get a bit tedious for some but will keep other entertained. These books are also the best way to learn more about the most famous and long lived empires this world has seen - Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Norse.

Perfect for young teens or older adults like me.

I rate is 4/5

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